GIGA Token
GIGA Token is the utility token of the Gigabots ecosystem.
Network | Ethereum |
Token Address | 0xcB2B9B5b136Dc29fEB0548dFF315021B9b6c2bA0 |
Liquidity Pool | 0x0936FF9F14ECdda584478D06c50f8493CBB7A4C5 |
Launch Date | 1/24/2024 |
Total Supply and Distribution
The total supply of 100MM GIGA will be distributed as follows:
Category | Allocation | Notes |
Liquidity Pool | 70% | Locked Permanently |
Treasury | 20% | Unlocks over 10 months |
Team | 10% | Locked for 10 months, then unlocks over 10 months |
Maximum Holding
GIGA Token is designed such that no single wallet can hold more than 1MM GIGA (i.e. 1% of Total Supply)
GIGA Token trading incurs a 5% tax on Buy and Sell transactions. Tax revenue will be applied as follows:
Category | Allocation | Notes |
Operations | 3% | Cover the development and maintenance costs for the GigaBots ecosystem of products. |
Marketing | 1% | Dedicated to promoting GigaBots brand and products |
Liquidity | 1% | Added to liquidity pool. |
Last updated